A person wearing red future-looking glasses


Everything we do revolves around you. We develop the premium parts to keep your internal combustion engines more efficient today, and we invest in technologies to help build a cleaner tomorrow for the world we share. 

Our products

PHINIA - Heavy-duty and Off-Road Worldwide Emissions Standards 2024

A close-up of water droplets on a dark and red painted surface

PHINIA - Passenger Car and Light Duty Vehicle Worldwide Emission Standards 2020 (Delphi Technologies)


We would like to acknowledge the significant amount of work and expertise that was devoted to creating the booklet. We relied on knowledge gained through compiling the previous versions of the booklet. Several PHINIA colleagues were significant contributors, calling out especially NW and DF. We would also like to recognise detailed scrutiny and advice from external parties, notably CM and RB.


Our Vision for Long Term Value Creation

A hand touching PHINIA's red arrow logo

Want to learn more

At PHINIA, we know the actions we take have a profound impact on the world we share.

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